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RTG 2522

DFG Research Training Group Jena-Leipzig

Dynamics and Criticality in Quantum and Gravitational Systems


The language of modern physics is formulated in terms of the concept of fields. Our current comprehension of Nature on its fundamental level is based on dynamical field theories such as Einstein's theory of general relativity for gravitational aspects and quantum field theories for the description of matter and their quantized interactions. Whereas both theory concepts have their origins in the reductionist search for the elements of space, time and matter, current theoretical research instead faces the challenge of complexity: a variety of physical properties emerge in a fascinating manner from the interplay of matter and fields.
The core research idea of this Research Training Group (RTG) is to investigate, understand and compute the emergence of complexity in gravitational and quantum field theories starting from their foundations. We focus on a set of examples of physical topicality or conceptual relevance, such as gravitational wave phenomena and black holes on the gravity side, and dynamics and criticality near phase transitions on the quantum side. Of particular interest is the interface of gravitational and quantum theories, where our understanding profits substantially from the cross-correlations among these fields both conceptually and from the method side.

PhD Training

Picture PhD hats

The qualification program and supervision strategy of the RTG is fully research oriented and is based on the principles of academic freedom, competition and internationalization. Conducting successful research at the forefront of modern theoretical physics requires a highly specialized training. A solid long-term career perspective, on the other hand, necessitates also a broad basis of knowledge and competences. Both objectives will be supported by a Curriculum with local and joint elements and an internationalized research-oriented training.

Important added values for training and supervision arising from the joint RTG Jena/Leipzig are: the advanced part of the Curriculum is significantly broadened; research topics complement each other, yielding a larger overall coherence; the PhD fellows form a larger transregional peer group stimulating motivation, research enthusiasm, and orientation towards competitiveness.


DFG Research Training Group 2522
Strong Dynamics and Criticality in Quantum and Gravitational Fields

Coordination Office

Lisann Schmidt
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Max-Wien Platz 1
07743 Jena, GERMANY


Holger Gies, Spokesperson, TPI Jena
Bernd Brügmann, Vice-Speaker, TPI Jena
Stefan Hollands, Vice-Speaker, ITP Leipzig

Visitor address Jena

Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Fröbelstieg 1
07743 Jena, GERMANY
Picture Abbeanum

Visitor address Leipzig

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Leipzig
Brüderstraße 14-16
04105 Leipzig, GERMANY
Picture ITP Leipzig